A Guide for Special Education Teachers

Authored by Dr. Jerry L. Turner

A "how to" book for Special Education Teachers who struggle to keep up with ever increasing caseloads.  Available on Amazon.com as So You Are a Special Education Teacher

A guide for special education teachers, covering information from legal requirements to effective case management. It's 23 chapters include organizing, tracking cases, working relationships, IEP meetings, triennials, annuals, manifestation determination meetings, conducting classroom observations, a brief explanation of all 13 qualifying categories, how to read a psycho-educational assessment, legal references, and more.  Recently updated in 2013.

"Dr. Turner clearly communicates the scope and focus of effective IEP meetings and shares practical advice for case management."
-D. Powell, Independent Study Special Education Teacher

Purchase here.


Recognizing special qualities of each human being and respecting and embracing these qualities is a major responsibility of enlightened educational professionals.  Regardless of the strengths and challenges of a student, recognizing and building on their special qualities should be first and foremost in their educational plan. The outcome is a plan to capitalize on the student’s uniqueness.